
Showing posts from 2013

When Good Writing is Bad

Science and Philosophy

Code Switching

My Academic Home

Rhetoric without a Home

She… Changed: A Complex Economist

Rhetorical Economist, Economics Rhetorician

First World Problems

Name Calling: Republican Sociopaths? Democratic Narcissists?

Even the CV is Political

Zigging and Zagging

Charles Lane: Big bloat on campus - The Washington Post

(Almost) Pointless Research, by Few for Few…

The Gospel Singer (or, Religion is a Drag)

Middle class a matter of income, attitude

Human Readers for Tests

What Professors Believe vs. What Students (and Parents) Believe

MOOCs: Will Online Education Ruin the University Experience? | New Republic

One in Three Don't Tune into Trimmed News Outlets

Working-Class as Object of Study

Essay on impact of being first generation college grad when one joins an academic department | Inside Higher Ed